Electrogenerating Sets with Inverter Technology

The Electrogenerator Set Manufacturer, Ayerbe Industrial de Motores S.A., has finished their line of Portable Soundproof Generators with the new “Inverter Technology” model.

The Inverter product range, which consisted of four models of 1 kva (800 w) and 2 kva (1700 w) with Honda engine and Kiotsu engine, has been supplemented with the 3 kW Generator, AY3500 KT Invert.

These generators are especially suitable for the use of electronic products or with electronic components due to the sine wave output. This perfect wave is produced by the initial generation of DC current and its conversion into AC current by means of the 230 V inverter alternator.

These electrogenerator sets have a lower weight than the traditional units for these power levels and their noise level is approximately 60 dB at 7 meters.

The same as in the 4 previous models, this new model, after its development in the factory, has been tested during the past year in customer facilities and target sectors such as camp grounds, telephony, domestic installers, line testers, etc.

This test format permits us to ensure greater confidence for the customer in normal use conditions.

The AY 3500 INV KT Electrogenerator set is equipped with an idling system which makes it possible to save fuel until the time that power is required.

These features provide competitive advantages in comparison with conventional generators for use with increasingly more common electronic products.

The Ayerbe Inverter Sets have been designed for a broad spectrum of users. Special jobs which require electronic equipment, emergencies, fire brigades, TV, telephony as well as shops, street vending, caravans, outdoor activities, etc.

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